Saturday, June 4, 2016

"Getting back to your life....."

An innocent comment made by a friend...."it's nice to see you getting back to your life....", a response to my share of what I was doing today…..taking a Ukulele class….a class that I began early last year, and while in the class received a text that my Mom had been rushed to St Jude’s Hospital….that day, my life was forever changed…..from the music and the text….. I watched my response today to the comment…..and then stopped my friend, for I had realized what I was in the midst of the past few days/weeks…..You see there is ….no going back….I’m not that person anymore….nor do I want to be…..and I realized how grateful I am, for whom I’ve become…. My struggle, is that age old question “who am I….”… this moment……not who was I…..”Who am I”…..what do I believe; whom do I associate; I’m in that wonderful place of illumination….creation….and knowing I am Loved…. Love you Mom…. Love you Dad… Thank you for the gifts of a lifetime…..for your love, for your forgiveness….for saying yes to being my Mom and Dad…. I am Blessed!!!

Sunday, April 17, 2016

"The Rainbow Comes and Goes".....a new book...

Yes, I stumbled upon this Anderson Cooper and Gloria I opened the front cover I discovered they were son and mother - it was interesting to read how the book came about....more interesting the message on the back cover: "When we're young we all waste so much time being reserved or embarrassed with our parents, resenting them or wishing they and we were entirely different people. This changes when we become adults, but we don't often explore new ways of talking and conversing, and we put off discussing complex issues or raising difficult questions. We think we'll do it one day, in the future, but life gets in the way, and then it's too late. I didn't want there to be anything left unsaid between my mother and me, so on her ninety-first birthday I decided to start a new kind of conversation with her, a conversation about her life. It ended up changing our relationship, bringing us closer than either of us had ever thought possible."........I cried as I read the last line.....tears of sadness, tears of joy....mostly tears of see, I totally understand at a very deep level all that is written on the books jacket.....I love how God works....I've been reflecting on the past year....a journey that began on January 15, 2015 when my Dad (or was it God), dialed the wrong number to share that my Mom was on the way to the hospital.....I know it was a God intervention.....and I know it changed my life....allowing me to step into my fullness.....and more importantly it allowed for a "different" conversation with my that allowed each of us to fully express who we are.....what we believed....and to LIVE the fullness of God's Grace......some day, I'll read the book I just bought (The Rainbow Comes and Goes) ..... today, I still "raw" from the human lost of my parents....the good news "no regrets".....Blessing all this beautiful Soul Day....

Monday, March 7, 2016

Tabitha.....Celebrating her Gifts

WOW - its hard to believe - I first heard of Tabitha - 2 years ago - I was invited to take a journey that would change my life....put me back on track to my "authentic self"... have me see my talents, and what was/is mine to do in this, I celebrate Tabitha...with a grateful heart to her....and to my BUDs that walked the journey, the pathof Tabitha's gifts....Celebrating this ONEderment called Life....

Tuesday, February 23, 2016

O Love Divine - Ernest Holmes

O Love Divine O Love Divine within me, I am overpowered by Thy Presence. I am speechless, for words cannot utter the things that Thou hast revealed to me. Why dost Thou love me so, and why clasp me so close to Thy Eternal Heart? O Blessed Presence, I know, for Thou hast claimed me as Thine own. I shall nevermore walk apart from Thee. The love of God is within me. Holmes, Ernest (1998-08-24). The Science of Mind: The Definitive Edition (p. 539). Penguin Group US. Kindle Edition.

Sunday, February 21, 2016

Got an email from the "Old(er) Me" Today....

How interesting to get an email of this was set for 10 years from now....reminded me a bit of a Brad Paisley song....yet, brought with it some very unique, I've been in contemplation about "risk taking" as my "authentic" self....not looking back with regrets....did you ever think about the windows are your car....and notice the rear (past) view mirror is VERY small compared to the Windshield...especially if you have an know your windshield is very LARGE....just like your future, my future....there is much in store for each of us....and it starts with a thought, that you/we put into action, with the simplicity of the first's to the OLDer ME....I hear you....I'm playing full there is only one life....this life....while here on planet Earth.....

Thursday, February 18, 2016

Powerful Wisdom - Message from a Dying Friend

MESSAGE FROM A DYING FRIEND I don't want your answers, your good advice. I don't want your theories about 'why' or 'how'. I don't need your pity. Your attempts to make me feel better only make me feel worse. I am human, just like you, and crave realness. Just be present with me. Listen. Give me space. Hold my trembling hand, sometimes. Your attention is so precious to me. Your being speaks volumes. If you feel uncomfortable, don't be ashamed. If you don't know what to say to me, that's okay; I feel that way too, sometimes. If you feel disgusted, angry, uncertain, fearful, that's okay, I love you for it. You are human, too. Put your textbook learning to one side now. Don't try to have 'unconditional positive regard'; it feels so false to me. Forget 'empathy' - I want you to come closer than that. See, I am you, in disguise. These are your broken bones, your shallow breaths, your twisted limbs. I am your mirror; you are seeing yourself. Don't try to be strong for me. I am not a victim. Fall apart, if you must. Weep, if you need to weep. Mourn those shattered dreams, those lost futures. Let the past slip away too. Meet me here, now, in the fire of presence, with the fullness of your being. I speak in an ancient language now. I want you to be a witness. - Jeff Foster

Wednesday, February 17, 2016

A Practitioner's Heart - Rev Ed Rosenback, R.Sc.P.

A Practitioner’s Heart Rev. Ed Rosenback, R.Sc.P. We Practitioners are held to a high standard, something beyond dedication to the cause of living a principled life based on Spiritual Truth. It is a devotion to living, being, and embodying that Principle. It is not an easy path! I have moments when I forget, and I’m sure most of us can say the same. What we need to remember when we or one of our colleagues falters, is to keep before us our “moments of high resolve,” in the words of Howard Thurman. None of us is alone; each of us is united, in Spirit and in intent. Our part is to reveal the Truth that is ever-present: we (all) are God in We share a common bond, our hearts beat in a common rhythm, and our minds are focused on a single idea: God is all there is, and each of us is one with all others. Being a representative of Spirit demands adherence to this idea. “Be not deceived, God is not mocked.” It is our part to do the loving thing, at all times, even when we question the motives of others. When Rev. Dr. Terry Cole-Whittaker said, “What you think of me is none of my business,” I believe she was coming from this idea. When Jesus said (we are told), “Greater things than these shall ye do,” his words seem to have been based on this idea as well. Even if people “despitefully use us,” we hold to the Truth of Life as being of the One which we call Spirit or God. If we falter or fall short of our own expectations, we should know that who and what we are is inviolate. The older I get, the more I come to believe that a Practitioner is one who is ready to aspire to that high calling, whether they have actually completed the required coursework or attained a licensed professional status. It is who we are, regardless of appearances & regardless of circumstances. In this sense, I believe that there are “born Practitioners,” those who enter into Life with the Heart of a Practitioner. They have a caring spirit and an inborn desire to do Good Works, to bring forth God’s glory in Creation. Many enter our Churches and Centers, and take the training required to attain formal Practitioner status. Others do not, yet they are Practitioners-at-Heart: kind and caring healers of others’ spirits, and definitely beneficial presences in the world. This falls into line with what Ernest Holmes once said, about us all being our own Practitioner. Who was there to teach the first Practitioner? No one! Whoever it was, was guided by the Indwelling Spirit. It may have been rooted in the lineage of the early Hebrew prophets, but I suspect it was more ancient than that. We have record in the Old Testament of healings and deliverances through spiritual means, and this I submit was the result of some early “Practitioner-like” activity. While we now have specific training for our Practitioners, the first acts of healing came through individuals having intuitive understanding of the essential, indwelling Truth. Spiritual things must be spiritually discerned. Spiritual Truth is often revealed when we are led by our intuition. Divine Science teaches that the Superconscious is the seat of the intuition, and is also called the “Christ Mind.” To “have that Mind which was also in Christ Jesus” is to live by one’s intuitive nature. The Old Testament prophets had that intuitive sense of well-being and brought it forth into form. Licensed Practitioners have demonstrations due to their training and ability to apply that knowledge. To me, this is evidence of the universality of the Truth of Being, the intrinsic desire to bring forth the Divine Reality of perfection in spirit, soul, and body. This Reality is ever-present, even though circumstances may cloud our observation of It. Practitioners, formally trained or not, understand this and act accordingly to clear away the outer debris and allow the Truth to shine through. This some have called illumination, and I like that phrase. “If thine eye be single, thy whole body shall be full of light.” Keep your vision on the good, the beautiful and the true, and all will be well, as it should be. If or when a Practitioner falters, let us support them in the light of healing Love, knowing that the Truth will out, that God in their midst is greater than any challenge, and that in helping our brother or sister in need we are indeed doing God’s Work, expressing our Practitioner Heart. We are Spirit, we are Life, we are Love, we are Light, and we Rev. Ed Rosenback, R.Sc.P., is an ordained Divine Science Minister and a licensed Religious Science Practitioner serving the First Church of Religious Science in Vallejo, California. He is a published author and a Life Member of the International New Thought Alliance and the Divine Science Federation.